FEMA FLI banner

FEMA’s Future Leaders Initiative (FEMA FLI) is a new and exciting FEMA program dedicated to supporting the next generation of leaders in FEMA and the flavor industry. FEMA FLI aims to provide professionals new to the flavor industry with the necessary education, exposure, and resources as they advance in their careers.

Program Goals

  • Help new industry members develop their skills by deepening their involvement in FEMA;
  • Foster exposure to industry leaders and facilitate networking opportunities;
  • Develop ambassadors of the flavor industry for the next generation;
  • Provide value to member companies by bringing new hires up to speed on industry basics;
  • Create a pipeline of new leaders and active FEMA committees and task forces participants. 

Participant Expectations

Cohort members will be expected to engage in in-person and virtual events, at discounted access, and actively volunteer and contribute to FEMA committees. 

Benefits for You

  • Unique, industry-specific professional development opportunities;
  • Supplemental learning experiences and discounted access to FEMA events;
  • Access to leaders within the FEMA community to learn and network with; and
  • Collaborative learning with diverse program peers.


Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the FEMA FLI program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an employee at a FEMA member company;
  • Possess a minimum of three (3) years of experience in the flavor industry;
  • Have the support of their employer to participate if selected;
  • Demonstrate an active interest and motivation to participate in the program;
  • Aspire to actively participate in FEMA committees, taskforces, and leadership roles.


The Application Period for the FEMA FLI program has closed.


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Have Questions? We are happy to help! Contact [email protected].